Install Tomcat 6 on CentOS or RHEL –转载

source: post will cover installat

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<p class=”entryContent”>This post will cover installation and configuration of Tomcat 6 on CentOS 5.

We will also show how to run Tomcat as a service,create a start/stop script,and configure Tomcat to run under a non-root user.

This post has been updated for Tomcat 6.0.32.

This post below will work with any Tomcat 6.x version,but I have been
keeping it updated to keep the links consistent and to make it as
“copying-and-paste” as possible.

If you are looking for our tutorial on installing Tomcat 7 on CentOS/RHEL,you can find it <a href=””&gt;here.

This installation of Tomcat 6.0.32 was done on CentOS 5.5,but any CentOS 5.x should work,as well as RHEL and Fedora.

If you do not already have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on
your machine,you will need to download and install the required JDK for
your platform.

If you do have the JDK installed,you can skip to: Step 2: Download and Install the Tomcat 6.0.32:

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Step 1: Install the JDK

You can download the JDK here: <a href=”” target=”_blank”>

I’m using the latest,which is JDK 6,update 24. The JDK is specific to 32 and 64 bit versions.

My CentOS box is 64 bit,so I’ll need: jdk-6u24-linux-x64.bin.

If you are on 32 bit,you’ll need: jdk-6u24-linux-i586.bin

Download the appropriate JDK and save it to a directory. I’m saving it to /root.

Move (mv) or copy (cp) the file to the /opt directory:

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Create a new directory /usr/java.

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Change to the /usr/java directory we created and install the JDK using ‘sh /opt/jdk-6u24-linux-x64.bin’

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  1. [root@blanchejava]#sh/opt/jdk-6u24-linux-x64.bin

Set the JAVA_HOME path. This is where we installed our JDK above.

To set it for your current session,you can issue the following from the CLI:

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  1. [root@blanchejava]#JAVA_HOME
  2. [root@blanchejava]#PATH

To set the JAVA_HOME for users,we add below to the user ~/.bashrc or
~/.bash_profile of the user. We can also add it /etc/profile and then
source it to give to all users.

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  2. PATH

Once you have added the above to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc,you
should log out,then log back in and check that the JAVA_HOME is set

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  1. /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_24

Step 2: Download and Install Tomcat 6.0.32:

Download apache-tomcat-6.0.32.tar.gz <a href=”” target=”_blank”>here

Save the file to a directory. I’m saving it to /root/apache-tomcat-6.0.32.tar.gz

Before proceeding,you should verify the MD5 Checksum for your Tomcat download (or any other download).

Since we saved the Tomcat download to /root/apache-tomcat-6.0.32.tar.gz,we’ll go to the /root directory and use the md5sum command.

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  1. 082a0707985b6c029920d4d6d5ec11cd

Compare the output above to the MD5 Checksum provided by <a href=”″ target=”_blank”>the Apache Tomcat MD5 page
and insure that they match exactly. (There is also a link to display
the MD5 checksum located just to the right off the download link).

Now,move (mv) or copy (cp) the file to the /usr/share directory:

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作者: dawei






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