from random import randrange #randrange form random module def calc_prob(strengths): """A function that receives an array of two numbers indicating the strength of each party and returns the winner""" if strengths[1]>strengths[0]: #Bring the bigger number to the first position in the array temp=strengths[0] strengths[0]=strengths[1] strengths[1]=temp prob1=abs(strengths[0]-strengths[1]) #The relative strength of the 2 parties prob2=randrange(0,100) #To calculate the luck that decides the outcome if prob2 in range(0,33-prob1): #Check if the weaker party is capable of winning. #The condition gets narrower with the increase #in relative strengths of each parties return strengths[1] elif prob2 in range(33-prob1,66-prob1): #The middle condition return "Draw" else: return strengths[0] #Luck favors the stronger party and if relative strength #between the teams is too large,#the match ends up in favor of the stronger party #Example calc_prob([50,75]);#Always has to be a list to allow exchange #Can be programmed in hundreds of better ways. Good luck!